Monthly timesheet with Power Apps

A simple, yet powerful tool to enter your monthly timesheet data

Copy-pasting timesheet data from one Excel to another is inefficient.

We would like to present our solution for timesheet entry with PowerApps. Instead of using separate Excel files, you can let your project managers enter the hours directly in the system. It’s a simple process in which you can also split the hours among different projects.

The result is a Power BI dashboard, that  shows the actual hours worked by project, which you can visually filter by employees. You can also compare the actual versus budget hours for each month.


With a click of a button, you get a monthly timesheet for your employees, which you can filter by month and project.

To have a more detailed overview, you can go to the next tab and see how many hours the employee worked on each project.

This gives you a  simple and powerful tool to enter your monthly timesheet data.

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